UAP unveils AfyaImara mobile and web app to enhance reach of insurance products

logoUAP Insurance has started the process of moving its product range into the digital realm by developing a mobile application for individual insurance customers, beginning with AfyaImara, the medical cover designed for individuals.

AfyaImara is the first such mobile application in the Kenyan insurance sector and is available for all mobile smartphone users. It is also available as a web application to PC users.

UAP Insurance MD James Wambugu said that the firm is making deeper forays into mobile technology-enabled distribution channels. The app is easily downloadable either as a mobile application or as a web application on personal computers.

“After successfully piloting the use of mobile technology four years ago to simplify insurance, we decided to enhance UAP’s product offering further by venturing into the realm of mobile applications. This AfyaImara app is the result of several months of research and coding work and we are absolutely thrilled at its successful rollout,” said Wambugu.

With AfyaImara, the whole insurance purchase transaction process can be initiated and completed from the mobile phone or PC connected to the internet.

“It is apparent that internet usage is shifting more and more towards mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. ‘Internet-on-the-go’ has become the norm. These mobile users need utilities that help them organize their life on-the-go and this is why we launched the app,” he explained.

AfyaImaya app will initially be available on the Google Play store as a freely downloadable application while PCs can easily access it as a web application, designed to be light on bandwidth.

“With the app, a consumer will be able to log in, choose a cover limit, calculate the premium and pay for it directly,” he added.

Nothing that the mobile phone is playing a greater role in consumers’ lives, UAP has further partnered with Uchumi Supermarkets to develop a ‘do-it-yourself’ insurance Starter Pack.

The Starter Pack is a simple product designed as a scratch card that comes in a handy paper pack that can be easily purchased over the counter along with other shopping items.
Individuals who require insurance will purchase the starter packs at a retail outlet, unpack the scratch card, send the digit to the SMS Line 20875 and activate the cover within twenty four hours.

The user-friendly DIY Starter Pack allows users to purchase individual insurance covers for various limits. One of them is Salamasure, a personal accident cover whose premium rates start at Ksh 200 for a Ksh 100,000 cover that will be valid for one month.

“We established that sometimes consumers can only afford to cover for a limited period of time and need a flexible plan that meets their budgeting habits,” he added.


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