Mobisol donates solar unit to Mkoyo Dispensary in Tanzania

Mobisol has donated a new solar-power unit to Mkoyo Dispensary, a medical facility located in Mkoyo Village, Hombolo within Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania.

The Mobisol solar system was installed to illuminate the maternity wing which previously had no electrical light at all. Pregnant women and their families were forced to buy kerosene and use candle light while giving birth, which imposed extreme and unnecessary hardships on women already in the difficult situation of giving birth.

The solar system is being used to illuminate the entire maternity building, thus enabling women to have light while giving birth and easing the midwifes’ work as procedures and birth aid can now be conducted under bright, efficient LED lamps. Additionally a 32″TV was installed at the facility for the entertainment of waiting patients and extended family with children traditionally accompanying the patients.

The installation of the system to the health facility is expected to greatly improve the lives and health care situations of over 4500 people living in Mkoyo Village. As the Tanzania government accelerates its efforts to move the central offices to the nation’s capital Dodoma, Mobisol is aiming to join hands with government actors to push for a general improvement in social services such as health care and education in the Dodoma Region and throughout Tanzania.


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