Ghana’s capital city, Accra, will host the Second Africa Open Data Conference (AODC) during the third week of July. This year’s AODC is a followup to the inaugural event held in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in September 2015 and followed up with other regional meetups in 2016 held in Freetown, Sierra Leone; Cape Town, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya.
A preliminary session of the 2017 AODC will be held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in April 2017 to engage with the Francophone Open Data community.
The AODC features participants and speakers keen on the role of open data in Africa’s growth and development. The conference features hands-on training, plenary sessions, workshops, and breakouts sessions.
AODC participants are drawn from public sector institutions, civil servants, industry executives, telecoms firms, researchers, students, innovators, entrepreneurs, farmers, health care workers, donors, and investors.
The main themes of the second AODC: Gender, Health, Agriculture, Sustainable Development Goals, Extractives Industry and Education.
Open Data refers to information that is accessible by anyone or publicly available.
Additional details about the second AODC can be obtained from the event website.
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