Our team restored all services by 4.30pm – Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore

Following the service outage which affected its network from about 9.30am yesterday – April 24 – Safaricom now says that its team of engineers have managed to identify the root cause of the outage, which was a failure on both our core network as well as our redundancy options.    

“This outage affected Voice, Data, SMS, M-PESA and Enterprise services. Our engineers identified the root cause of the outage, which was a failure on both our core network as well as our redundancy options. Our team worked as quickly as possible to resolve the issue and invoked our Business Continuity Planning protocol to restore services and the incident was marked as closed at 4:30 pm,” said Bob Collymore, the telco’s CEO in the last statement issued yesterday regarding the issue, reassuring subscribers that their balances and the integrity of the system is intact.

In an earlier statement, Safaricom had stated that it had identified the root cause of the outage and working to resolve the outage, however warning clients that services would be available “intermittently until the issue is fully resolved.”

The last time Safaricom experienced such a nationwide outage was in 2001.


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