Pay your StarTimes subscription before expiry, get 3 extra days of viewing in January  

With Christmas already behind us, having been celebrated yesterday, and people’s focus currently shifting to New Year’s Eve, it would not be a very long shot to say that January 2018 is almost here with us, just peeping by the corner.

Now, almost everyone dreads the month of January. Some have even gone as far as calling it the ‘longest month of the year’, with a record 45 days. And this is not very far from the truth if you consider that there are companies which disburse December salaries on the 15th, meaning that one is then left with the remaining half of the festive month of December then the whole of January before they can expect to be paid by their employer. This therefore calls for very careful budgeting to survive January.

To help you navigate the tricky month of January in regards to taking care of family bills, StarTimes is currently urging its subscribers to pay their monthly subscription charges within the few days left to the New Year. This will not only help the customers to avoid the challenge of having to pay all family bills at a go but also enable the subscribers earn 3 more extra days of viewing.

Here’s the message from StarTimes: “End month inakaribia and did you know that you can start your new year with 3 extra viewing days if you top up your subscription before it expires? We though you should know. #TipTuesday #EnjoyDigitalLife #WishesDelivered.”

Essentially, if you example top up your account maybe a day before the deadline (before your channels are disconnected), you will then access your channels for a month plus the remaining one day and then be added an extra 3 days on top of that to access content for free.

During the extra 3 added days of accessing your favourite bouquet, one can even be at liberty to then flexibly make arrangements to pay next month’s subscription, thereby giving them time more time. In January, remember that being accorded even a single extra day to make arrangements to pay is more than welcome.

And remember, the 3 extra days offer has been on and will even continue past January. All the more reason why you need to #UpGradeWithStartimes.


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  1. Recharging StarTimes account – Here are the platforms to use for payment    | aptantech

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