The Africa Netpreneur Prize Initiative (ANPI), which called for applications starting from March to June 2019, has announced the list of the Top 10 finalists from across the continent set to compete for US$1 million in total prize money.
The ANPI is a US$10 million Prize competition for African entrepreneurs, founded by the Jack Ma Foundation.
The 10 finalists are drawn from Nigeria (4), Egypt (2), Rwanda (2), Liberia (1) and Ivory Coast (1).
(TOP: Mugshots of the 10 finalists).
Below are the Top 10 finalists:
1. Ayodeji Arikawe (Thrive Agric), Nigeria – Thrive Agric is an agricultural technology-enabled company that works with smallholder farmers to enable them with greater access to finance, as well as improve their income and harvest distribution. Currently, Thrive Agric works with 22,000 farmers in Nigeria, but is aiming to build the largest network of farmers in Africa.
2. Chibuzo Opara (DrugStoc Ng), Nigeria – DrugStoc is a cloud-based pharmaceutical IT and logistics platform focused on eliminating counterfeit drugs, expanding access to pharmaceutical products and improving transparency in pricing for healthcare providers and the product supply chain.
3. Christelle Kwizera, (Water Access Rwanda), Rwanda – Water Access Rwanda pioneered INUMA, a Safe Water Microgrid that reclaims broken boreholes and transforms them into state-of-the-art solar-powered water kiosks and pipelines. The water is sold for $1/1000L and creates off-farm jobs for youth. Currently, Water Access Rwanda employs 68 people, and allows 47,612 customers access water daily across 86 stations.
4. Dr Tosan Joseph M (Black Swan Tech), Nigeria – WeMUNIZE by Black Swan Tech is helping to solve Nigeria’s public health challenges by deploying an automated scheduling, GPS-enabled Software-as-a-service that uses a combination of digital record keeping and community engagement to increase birth registration and early childhood immunizations. Black Swan is working with USAID Nigeria to expand WeMUNIZE coverage in northern Nigeria.
5. Kevine Kagirimpundu, (UZURIK&Y), Rwanda – UZURI K&Y is an African-inspired ecofriendly shoe brand established in Rwanda. UZURI has made a direct impact on more than 750 people through employment and skills training.
6. Mahmud Johnson, (J-Palm Liberia), Liberia – J-Palm Liberia (JPL) was founded with the goal to make premium consumer goods while creating income-earning and employment opportunities through sustainable palm oil production. Today, JPL has created a range of beauty and clean energy products, built a robust network of partnerships across the country, and helped to create jobs for hundreds of Liberians.
7. Moulaye TABOURÉ (Afrikrea), Ivory Coast – Afrikrea.com is the leading “Made of Africa” fashion, art and handicraft online marketplace. The marketplace has processed more than $4 million in sales across 101 countries and supports merchants from all over the world.
8. Omar Shoukry Sakr (Nawah Scientific), Egypt – Nawah-Scientific is the first private research center in the MENA region, focused on natural and biomedical sciences, that offers analytical and scientific services online and on-demand.
9. Temie Giwa-Tubosun (LifeBank), Nigeria – LifeBank is a medical distribution company that uses data and technology to help health workers discover critical medical products, and has saved over 5,300 lives in Nigeria.
10. Waleed Abd El Rahman (Mumm), Egypt – Mumm is a virtual cafeteria for businesses, harnessing the power of shared economy through technology, cloud kitchens and an online marketplace for home-based entrepreneurial cooks.
The Top 10 list of finalists has been compiled after a selection from the final Top 50 list of applicants which includes Kenya’s Crispin Murira of e-logistics firm Copia Kenya; Sawan Shah of e-health startup Jacaranda Maternity and Eric Muli of loan service Lipa Later.
For the next ten years, the ANP Prize will host a pitch competition in Africa where ten finalists from across the continent will compete for US$1 million in total prize money. The Prize, which is supported by its continental partner Nailab, is focused on empowering a new generation of entrepreneurs, with a focus on small businesses, grassroots communities and women-founded enterprises.
All 10 finalists will receive grant funding from the Jack Ma Foundation, as well as access to the Netpreneur community of African business leaders to leverage the community’s shared expertise, best practices, and resources.
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