Omaness to support 10,000 Nigerian women to set up skincare businesses using Mastercard grant

As part of its support to small businesses and women entrepreneurs, the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth has extended a a grant to the Omaness Skinfood Company in Nigeria.

The skincare company is a social impact enterprise which aims to foster economic prosperity for women and communities in NigeriaIt produces a line of high-quality, skin-enriching body care products from natural ingredients primarily sourced from Nigeria. By scaling its Skinfood Merchant Program through a seed funding grant from the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, Omaness targets to empower 10,000 women entrepreneurs to run their own skinfood merchant businesses by 2025.

Mastercard’s support will provide skinfood merchants with micro-inventory credits, marketing support and business development training, enabling them to start a profitable business, alongside opportunities to sell more, earn more, scale faster and ultimately benefit from a sustainable income.

(TOP: Ifeoma Adibe-Chukwuka, CEO and Founder of The Omaness Skinfood Company)

“Mastercard is a longstanding supporter of small businesses and women entrepreneurs. We also passionately believe in building a better and more equal world where everyone can reach their potential, by recognizing the contributions of women. Partnering for good is what we do best and this collaboration is one more way we enable sustainable, inclusive growth that will not only benefit the new merchants, but their families and communities too,” said Natasha Jamal, Director Middle East and Africa at Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth.

Women-owned and led businesses are catalysts for economic growth, improving the lives of everyone, everywhere. According to the benchmark indication of the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs 2019, women business owners as a percentage of total business owners is 25.3% in Nigeria. The index also measured a narrowing gender gap in Nigeria, suggesting women in the country are just as inclined as men to engage in entrepreneurship.

“Omaness proudly engages women to distribute natural indigenous produce – adding value to the wellbeing of end-consumers and unlocking opportunities for women to prosper through their networks. We are honored to partner with Mastercard, an innovator that cares deeply about enabling women to build communities where everyone can flourish,” said Ifeoma Adibe-Chukwuka, CEO and Founder of The Omaness Skinfood Company.

While operating its one-of-its-kind social business model which controls the value chain from sourcing down to the last mile of distribution, Omaness focuses on creating and connecting women to income-generating opportunities across its value chain including supply, production and distribution of skinfood products.

The Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth works with grantees around the world to help address the challenges facing micro and small businesses, including providing access to capacity building and capital.

Earlier this year, Mastercard expanded its worldwide commitment to financial inclusion, pledging to bring a total of one billion people and 50 million micro and small businesses into the digital economy by 2025. As part of this effort, there will be a direct focus on providing 25 million women entrepreneurs with solutions that can help them grow their businesses.

The Center for Inclusive Growth advances equitable and sustainable economic growth and financial inclusion around the world. The Center leverages the company’s core assets and competencies, including data insights, expertise and technology, while administering the philanthropic Mastercard Impact Fund, to produce independent research, scale global programs and empower a community of thinkers, leaders and doers on the front lines of inclusive growth.


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