How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Angular Developer In 2021

Welcome to the world of web development! If you are planning to actively hire Angular developers in 2021 and want to know how else besides money you can interest candidates, as well as what competencies increase or decrease the cost of specialists, read this article, which is called ‘How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Angular Developer In 2021’ and you will find all the answers here. Let’s start from the beginning!

Programming and development with Angular is one of the most popular digital services. The customer sometimes turns to experienced IT agencies or web studios, and if the budget is limited or one-time programming work is needed, then they are looking for a freelancer.

In general, there are two schemes according to which Angular developers work. The first way is a fixed budget. The cost of the work is fixed and does not change if no changes are made to the technical task. As a rule, a fixed budget is applied on typical projects, when the programmer knows exactly how to solve the problem and how long it will take. This can be the development of a standard landing page, a corporate website with standard functionality, an online store or an application. The second is payment by the hour. The customer pays for the time spent by the programmer on work. Many clients are afraid of the hourly wage scheme, believing that the contractor will work slowly. In fact, it is unprofitable for a developer to work slowly, since overstating the budget means losing customers and reputation. In addition, the performer reports how many hours he spent on each stage. If it works slower on purpose, the customer will see it (tasks that were previously solved faster will take longer). Pay by the hour is used on non-standard projects when it is not clear how many hours will be spent on development. Also, billing by the hour is used to support IT products.

Also, it is important to take into account the fact of the qualifications and experience of Angular developers, because among them there are three levels.

  • Junior – beginners, they know the syntax of the language, for example, PHP, can solve the simplest typical tasks, write simple programs and scripts. The code requires constant review (verification). Usually, Junior developers include people with work experience of 0.5-1.5 years, but this is conditional.
  • Middle – have work experience of 1-3 years. They can independently solve complex problems, but they have a limited technology stack and have little vision of the overall software development picture.
  • Senior – know several programming languages, can develop an application or program architecture from scratch, select a stack of necessary technologies, taking into account plans for the development of an IT product in the future. As a rule, they have work experience of 4-6 years.

    Note that the cost of an hour of development work increases by 1.5-2 times when moving to the next level.

Average prices for programmers’ services range from $ 8 to $ 22 per hour. They depend on language proficiency and specific specialization, as it was mentioned above. Angular technology specialists usually charge $ 10 per hour for their services, which is an acceptable price for the customer.

But to tell the truth, it is impossible to estimate the cost of a developer services in isolation from a specific project, since each candidate is assessed on a custom basis, from the point of view of how his skills and background fit the needs of a particular company or customer. Therefore, one rule should be taken into account: the more the developer’s experience and background meets the critical business needs, the more expensive such services will cost for that particular business. Despite the fact that each case should be evaluated separately, there are several typical patterns that can affect the cost of Angular developer services.

  • Inconsistency of work on projects, frequent transitions to other projects, work less than a year on one project. It is most critical if this experience of frequent transitions is in the last 3-5 years.
  • Mostly freelance projects in experience, as well as the lack of sufficiently complex and large projects in experience over the past 3-5 years. Also, experience in digital agencies is considered less valuable, the employer usually assumes that in such companies the development of simple, typical, short tasks is most often carried out.
  • Experience in coding only using one framework (Angular , for example). Knowledge of the core language is important for many companies, so if a developer can only write code using the framework, this may be a limiting factor.

But there are things that can increase the cost of Angular developer services (and by the way, there are many more of them):

  • Experience in well-known, branded and large-scale projects.
  • Experience with specific technologies that are critical to the company can be rated higher.
  • Development experience with the native language is often valued more than the experience of writing code using only the framework.
  • Experience in developing high-load projects, as well as experience in developing products / projects / large and complex features from scratch is appreciated.
  • Participation in open source projects, experience in writing your own libraries, frameworks, etc. may be a plus for some companies.


Due to the high demand of Angular developers in 2021, experienced candidates hardly have time to enter the open market and most experts are at best in a passive search, so you should be prepared for long deadlines for filling a vacancy, as well as for a long hiring process. In-demand experts are likely to look at other offers to assess the attractiveness of your offer. Thanks for reading the article ‘How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Angular Developer In 2021’. Hope it was useful and interesting for you!


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