With LG’s InstaView DiD fridge, you don’t have to spend on water dispenser and purifier

A 2019 online article identified Kenya among the 187 countries where tap water was unsafe for drinking. The report grouped Kenya among countries in the world where tap water is deemed “unsafe or unpalatable” for tourists.

Another article, published in TapSafe towards the end of last year, advised readers tourists coming to the country “not to drink tap water or brush your teeth with it,” adding that they should “only use bottled or canned drinks (especially popular brands).” Also, do not use ice as it may also be contaminated water, added the post.

“Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents,” noted the article published in TapSafe.

“Tap water in Nairobi, Kenya, is not safe to drink without filtering or boiling the raw water. The government claims that water is safe. County water supplies water in many parts of Kenya. Most of this water may not have the purity levels required to protect you from stomach infections consistently. The quality of the water supply is usually inconsistent with the rainy season having the water with the most contamination.”

Water dispenser

The public’s real and imagined safety and hygiene concerns about the water in Nairobi (and Kenya at large) has since spawned a new industry of bottled water vendors and water dispensers which purify water.

With global pandemic, recent trends have come to indicate that more and more consumers aspire to have and purchase home appliances that encourage healthy living. This includes ensuring that the water we drink (and cook our food with) as well as the air we breathe is consistently clean to guard us from preventable illnesses and maladies.

Currently, most households – not just in major towns but even in rural areas – have water dispensers within their living rooms. This is to ensure that the water they drink is safe and hygienic, for overall peace of mind within the household, and to guard against water-borne diseases.

And the dispensers don’t come cheap. A spot check at online shopping outlets shows that while the most rudimentary water dispensers cost about Kshs 1,000, the latest and most technology-advanced models (which one may confuse for a refrigerator) may cost upto Kshs 20,000 and more.

Now, imagine households that have opted to have a water dispenser (to purify their drinking water) as well as a fridge (to cool the water). Looks more like an unnecessary double expenditure, only that it’s actually not when one seriously considers the safety and hygiene concerns and what the family may have to (God forbid) spend in medication and hospital bills were its members to contract water-borne diseases.

Water purifier

And this is where LG’s latest InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators come into play. The LG InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators, which came to the market this year, are equipped with a pioneering water dispenser that purifies water using ultraviolet light. The fridge’s water sterilization technology uses UV-C light to kill harmful micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites in water, thereby ensuring safety for the family and other consumers.

Apart from ensuring that the water they drink is safe and sterilized by the water purifier, LG InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerator thereby enables the household to save money by not spending again to acquire a water dispenser.

Still on money saving, LG InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerator has the most advanced technology in saving energy with its own Inverter Linear Compressor which saves more energy by adapting efficiency-engineering mechanism.

With less parts and less friction points, LG’s Inverter Linear Compressor operates in total silence, ensuring that household members have total peace of mind while in the house.


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